Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Back to life...

Where to begin. It's been a few days since I've blogged. Things have been busy around the house with the kids and the changing of the roommates.

I've come to the conclusion that in about 6 months, maybe less, the novelty of living platonically with 2 straight men will wear off.

My daughter Emily is learning to play the bass guitar, and she's picking it up nicely. My little rockstar. I'll have new pics up in a couple of days, she looks amazingly cute with her new Fender.

Last week, let's see. Hosted open mic at WECT on Wednesday. It went ok, not much of an audience and a shorter list of comics than usual. I'm sure that can be attributed to many factors.
Friday nite, the first 2 shows at the club were cancelled due to lack of audience. Fortunately, we had people show up to see the 11 PM show. It was a lot of fun. Billy McFarland, you crack me the hell up. And Beth, oh my god, you are one funny chick. You kicked ass!

I found out that Beth and I have the same birthday. No wonder I like her! Libras rock!

I did a set at Stratos on Saturday nite and it went really, really well. I needed that, my confidence has been slipping over the past couple of weeks. I hope they will ask me back again, it's a neat little place.

Two men in the last 24 hours have said they love me. One I don't love anymore, the other I always have. Isn't that odd.

The one person who I have always thought of as my 'soul mate', or the closest thing to it, is alive and well in Mississippi following the hurricane. I can't tell you how great it was to hear from him. I'm too tired to tell the whole story about us, but I'll tell you this - we met when I was 15, he was 19, and over the years, we've never quite let go of each other. It's good to be back in touch. More on that later.

Hope everyone had a great holiday. I'm off to bed so I can rest up for more intense blogging.


Blogger Skye said...

That's wonderful news that you heard from your long time friend. My first husband was a Libra, now so is my current friend. I like how you all seem to see the world from a different light.

9/06/2005 2:02 AM  
Blogger Jenn said...

Yeah, we're a little strange. But I've never met a Libra I didn't like. :)

9/06/2005 8:11 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

I love you, sugar tits

9/06/2005 11:34 AM  
Blogger Jenn said...

Make that 3 men. Ha! I love you too, fucker.

Stratos - it's a cool Greek restaurant, belly dancers and everything. The comedy show is billed as "Latino Comedy", but most of us were crackers.

9/06/2005 12:26 PM  
Blogger Beth said...

Let's hear it for my 10 friends! WOO! They all had a blast, by the way. Oh, and I'm not sure if I was on PCP or a shit load of Angel Dust on my last entry. Apologies if you read it. Ha ha...I'd never take Angel Dust.

9/06/2005 1:24 PM  
Blogger Owen said...

Living with two straight men and they all love you? Sounds like you've got it made! Or you're in a living hell. I'm sure it could easily go either way...guys have a way of being a little off the deep end...

9/06/2005 1:47 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

Well, everyone loves me, but the two guys I live with are not the two guys who said they love me. My life is just one big bowl of crunchy drama. :)

9/06/2005 1:51 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

Owen! You're back again! I tried to post a comment on your blog but it wouldn't let me. That made me very, very sad. So sad I ate an entire cake by myself.

Well, I don't have to be sad to eat cake, but that's beside the point. I see that you're a producer, and I would LOVE to chat with you. Email me if you have time at dammitjanet101@yahoo.com

9/06/2005 3:07 PM  
Blogger I said...

I love myself. Does that count?

9/07/2005 3:51 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

Sarah, I know what you mean. I'm still on the fence.

Tom, I'm glad you love yourself. Now put that thing away, you're going to scare the children.

9/07/2005 4:07 PM  
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