Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Soup's On!

Last nite, I turned down my favorite booty call. I'm getting tired of everything always being on his terms. I'm tired of him never responding to my calls or texts, but expecting me to drop everything when he calls me. So instead of happily running over there, I said simply, "Nope, not tonite." I feel all bad-ass and powerful now.

So the Chef gave me his digits today. Go me! I've been chasing this guy for months, and I don't believe he really noticed until a few weeks ago. I think I shall call him tonite and see if he wants to have a drink. I found a neat little place in Lakewood that would be perfect.


Blogger I said...

Good luck Jenn. I don't know how you do it. Dating and chasing drives me freaking nuts! I don't want to chase anymore. I just want someone to love me. Damn.....what a pussy.

8/25/2009 2:33 PM  
Anonymous Gina said...

Good for you.....go have fun!

8/25/2009 7:07 PM  
Blogger Jenn Hoff said...

Thanks, y'all. I have to say, I *HATE* the whole chasing thing. Not used to it, don't know how to handle it. I've analyzed about a zillion times why he gave me his phone number. lol.

8/26/2009 7:26 AM  
Blogger Jenn Hoff said...

Oh, here's the funny. We have this running joke about my crush on this guy at the office. After he gave me his number yesterday, I asked everyone how long I should wait to call him. The girls all said to call him last nite, and the one guy I work with said not to call him. So I didn't call him.

This morning, at the daily staff meeting, the first thing Chef says to me is, "Why didn't you call me?"

That's the last time I take a man's advice. lol

8/26/2009 10:19 AM  
Blogger I said...

Jenn! He's right. I'm an expert on this. The best way to make someone like you is to act like you don't give a sh*t about them. Ask me how I know.

8/27/2009 9:42 AM  
Blogger Jenn Hoff said...

Yeah, I know. I don't want to appear too eager. I called him once and we talked for a little while. Then he called me last again the same day. The vibe goes back and forth, one minute he seems interested and the next, not so much. He's gonna be a lot of work, I can tell.

8/27/2009 2:57 PM  

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