Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The second day of the New Year...


My mother always says that whatever you’re doing on New Year’s day is what you’ll be doing for the rest of the year.

I slept late, cooked one of the boyfriend's favorite meals, and played World of Warcraft.

Sounds like a fun year ahead, don’t it?

Hope everyone had a safe and happy New Year’s Eve. I spent my first ever New Year’s Eve at Comedy Sportz. I really enjoyed myself, although the West End was a freaking nightmare, overflowing with people who looked far too young to be drinking. Maybe I’m just getting old. Trying to get to the bathroom was ridiculous, and people were smoking inside the building, which is a big no-no since it’s historical and all. Ahh well.

CSz did two shows, Evan ref’d the first and I worked at the door, handing out coupons while Melissa stamped hands and Jill and Rachelle passed out festive hats. I wore a tiara. I think I should wear one every day. I’m not sure how to incorporate that into my wardrobe. There were good audiences for both shows. We did a ‘champagne toast’ at each one, (non-alcoholic of course), and I handed out glasses and noise makers to patrons. Evan was booked for a remote, so as soon as the first show was over, he and his fellow players were out the door in a hurry, and I was left to continue my duties. Not that I minded. I was concerned that he wouldn’t be back before midnite, so I kindly informed Ann Marie that she’d better pucker up come 12:00 o’clock. It’s New Year’s Eve, and I gotta kiss somebody. But about 5 minutes til midnite, he walked in and I was happy. We toasted to 2007. She totally lucked out. After the show, lots of clean up and then some of us headed over to Ellen’s where we hung out until very late, or very early, I guess it depends on how you look at it. I think it was around 3 AM when we left. She was a very nice hostess.

I really do like the CSz folks. Rob and Elizabeth work so hard to keep it going, and they do a great job. And the troupe, well, they’re just a good bunch of people, not like many of the prima donna asshole comedians I spent much of my time hanging out with. (That’s a generalization, of course, there are a few awesome comics in Dallas who I don’t consider to be assholes.) But I’ve always said that improv and stand up are two very different worlds, and that still holds true. There’s a camaraderie among people in a troupe that you just don’t see with comedians. Stand-up is a very ‘kill or be killed’ mentality, it’s all about me and to hell with the rest of you. Very competitive. Not that people don’t want to see you do well, but when it comes down to it, they’d rather you suck so that they look better. It’s not like that with the folks at CSz.

I still don’t see myself ever doing improv. I just don’t think I have it in me. I know I’m a good writer. I’ll try to utilize that strength in the coming year.

The ‘three death’ thing happened the last week of 2006. President Ford, James Brown and Saddam Hussein – well, he was hanged, but still, he’s dead. President Ford is being buried today. Betty looks so frail and sad. She’s being escorted by a very large Marine. I liked President Ford, even though he was a Republican. I have a memory from the year he was running against Jimmy Carter. I was in the second grade. Our teacher asked us to draw a picture of who we thought should win the election. I drew a picture of President Ford with a caption that read something like, “Vote for me. You don’t really want a peanut farmer running your country.”

Ahh, a sense of humor and a political opinion at the tender age of 8.


Blogger I said...

So I take it I'm a prima donna ass hole?

1/02/2007 8:29 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

No, of course not, that's why I said there were some who are not. Just a generalization, kinda like, "women are bitches". :p

1/03/2007 7:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tiaras are a definite wardrobe must this year, I think. Yes, tiaras all 'round.

1/03/2007 12:46 PM  

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