Tuesday, December 26, 2006

And so it ends...

Back at the office today, and I can't help but be relieved that this whole Christmas bit is over. The kids got what they wanted, and I was pleased with that. One of the benefits of having divorced parents is that a kid tends to make out like a bandit. Emily got her cell phone and an acoustic guitar, Chris got his custom skateboard and all the Legos and Bionicles he wanted.

The boyfriend and I got each other books - apparently we remain on the same thought plane. Lenny Bruce and Andy Kaufman for him; The Screenplay Writer's Bible and How Not to Write a Screenplay for me. A hint, perhaps? Yes, I do plan on doing a lot more writing in the coming year. He also got me my favorite perfume, which I loved, and I got him some silly and goofy things and some new shirts, which he seemed to be happy with. I used my Macy's gift card to buy some stuff for me from Benefit - stuff that I wouldn't normally buy because it's far too pricey. Suffice it to say, I shall smell good for the rest of the year.

Oh, and for the geek in all of us....I finally reached level 40 on World of Warcraft, and Evan bought me my first mount for Christmas. I realize that there are precisely 2 people reading this who understand what it means.

A New Year is around the corner. This time last year, I dubbed 2005 the "Best Jenn Year Ever". That still holds true. 2006 has NOT been my best year. Lots of ups and downs. Lots of unemployment and job changes and depression (which remains unmedicated). Lots of personal stuff that should have stayed personal and never should have been shared here. I've lost touch with a lot of people. I've put a lot of things on hold, so to speak. I've spent far too much time wading in the shallow pool of self-pity and doubt and worry. And what has it gotten me? Jack squat, thank you very much.

But on the happy side - I quit drinking, which is awesome. Do I miss it? Nah. Not really. I've had trememdous support from some very good friends. We produced a few really good shows. I've made a couple of new friends this year. Evan returned to CSz and I've been to every match. I haven't bitten my nails in two months and they look great. My oldest daughter became a functioning member of society, and my other two children have continued to grow and amaze me. All in all, it could have been much worse.

In 2007, I plan to be happier and healthier. How I plan to accomplish those things I don't exactly know, but it will happen.

Hope you all had a nice holiday.


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