Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Fa la la la la, la blah blah blah

It amazes me how much money we can spend at a certain large retail store. (I'll give you a hint - it rhymes with Ball Fart.)

It seriously took us 3 hours to do our shopping. THREE HOURS! And I only bought a couple of gifty things. The rest? Groceries. Lots and lots of groceries. At least now everyone will be happy and well fed. I imagine it wouldn't take me so long if I went alone, but it's more fun to take the man along. He makes me giggle. It was exhausting.

Ordered my son's big gift. Only $100 and got the 2-day shipping for a mere $5. Not bad. Still more stuff to buy. Still more things to do. My house is not completely in order, but it's getting there. If I could spend a couple of hours a day on it, it would be in much better shape. At least the boyfriend will take out the garbage for me. It's my least favorite chore. Yuck.

We're still dealing with the legal stuff from the car accident we were in back in May. (If you're just joining us...we were hit by a drunk driver while we were stopped at a toll booth. Good times.)

A settlement is in our future, though I don't know how long that will take. My back still bothers me and there's little I can do about it. But here's the latest stupidity. Our attorney sent me a copy of one of my medical bills, and the hospital is charging me for medication they never gave me, to the tune of nearly $500. They are trying to charge me for 100 doses of a medication A) I've never heard of, and B) I never got.

So I call the billing department. The lady tells me that I had prescriptions filled at the hospital.

Uh, no, I didn't.

I received two written prescriptions, which I filled at an outside pharmacy and paid cash for. So then she proceeds to tell me that they are charging me for writing the prescription.

Really? Is that the story you're going with? You're charging me for two pieces of PAPER???? That's just fucking nuts. The lady kept saying, "You just don't understand." Damn right I don't, so why don't you explain it to me?? If I go to the doctor, I pay the doctor. If he gives me prescriptions, I take them to a pharmacy and pay for them there. Why is this so hard to comprehend?

I gave up on her and called the hospital directly. They were rude and told me to call the other number. No, I said, I spoke to them already and they are ridiculous, so if you want this bill paid you'd best get me to someone who can help.

Transfer. Disconnect. Thanks for that.
Call back. Transfer. Voice mail. Lady on vacation. Press zero for operator. Disconnect again.
Call back one last time. Tell lady not to hang up on me, please, and get me to a person who is not on vacation. Voice mail again. Left a message.
Probably sounded like a bitch. Don't care.

I received prescriptions for precisely 20 pills on my first visit to the ER - 10 for pain, 10 muscle relaxers. The second time I went in it was because they called ME and told me to come back for more tests, and I received no meds that day. I don't know where they're getting their numbers, but I bet if I had health insurance, they wouldn't be trying to screw me like this. Just a thought. Fucking brilliant. So I have to get this resolved with the hospital before the attorney will submit the claim for payment.

I would be mad if it weren't so stupid. No time for mad today.

I've decided that I need a girl's nite out. Very soon. Very soon. I do consider Evan my best friend, but he's still a guy, and I need to be around some estrogen at some point. Really I do. It's been a while. I don't get out much.

Hope you all have a stress-free day.


Blogger decade5 said...

Count me in on that girl's night out, willya?

12/19/2006 10:35 AM  
Blogger Jenn said...

you're the only one counted so far. :)

I've realized that most of my friends are men. Weird how that has worked out. I don't even like men all that much, most of the time. How did I end up with so many of them as buddies?

12/19/2006 10:44 AM  

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