Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Two words - Henry. Rollins.

Oh yeah.

We’re going to see him tonite and I’m absolutely thrilled.

I’m in an enormous amount of pain which puzzles me, as I have no idea what I’ve done to myself to cause this. I feel like I have a pulled muscle in my back. And no, it wasn’t caused by a sexual encounter – at least I could brag about that. No, this is just some lame, awful pain that came out of nowhere and I can’t seem to treat it with standard over-the-counter meds. Thank goodness Henry is playing at a place that has seats. Not that I mind standing 2 hours to see that man, like we did when he was at Deep Ellum Live, but I don’t think I could do it tonite.

Oh, painkillers, where for art thou?


Blogger Skye said...

Advil I find it helps me the most I use to get these pounding headaches and nothing would help so a friend suggested advil now I reach for advil before bed when I wake up at lunch time. next to beer and hard licker( whoops a little slip there ) I find advil is my new choice of medication and no this ain't no stinky spam. that's all.

10/04/2005 12:58 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

I appreciate it. Can you ship it out today? :)

10/04/2005 2:32 PM  
Blogger The Unknown said...

I am give you a mental massage. Begone back pain, begone I say!

10/04/2005 3:25 PM  
Blogger Beth said...

Breast reduction. Stat.

10/05/2005 10:44 AM  
Blogger Jenn said...

You're the second person today who's told me that.

I'll have a hard time letting go of the Smothers Brothers. But damn this hurts.

I got a vicodin today. I'm smiling.

10/05/2005 3:03 PM  

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