Wednesday, September 21, 2005

I am that person...

Forgive me, Blogger, for I have sinned. It’s been 5 days since my last confe…I mean, entry. So here’s some stuff for you to ponder….

I am that person who calls everyone ‘honey’ or ‘baby’ or ‘sweetie’.
When did this happen? I didn’t see it coming.

I am that person who takes forever in line because I’m so chatty with store clerks. I can actually hear people sighing behind me, tapping their feet and growing more impatient as I stand there and talk about mindless, meaningless bullshit.

I am that person who…

can give advice, but doesn’t take it.

who listens to everyone, but feels like no one ever hears me.

who lashes out in anger, but gets upset when others do it to me.

who gives everything she has, but gets back very little.

who can dish it out, but can’t take it.

who is surrounded by people, but is always lonely.

So who are you?

How’s that for a downer? This head cold is killing me. Can’t wait to breathe again, I hear good things.


Blogger Beth said...

I can't breathe either. I am the person who gets sick and never gets better for days and days and days. I listen to you, dear. I mean sweetie. I mean, honey. FUCK. I do it too, God dammit. Don't ever take this long to post again or we're breaking up.

9/21/2005 10:21 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

I was feeling temporarily profound, but it's passed now. Please don't dump me, I can't take anymore rejection. :)

9/22/2005 7:56 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

I fucking love it to no end when someone does their best to be me. Love it when I routinely call someone sugar tits or muffin ass or peachy pussy or giblet or sweet mo-lasses or cock goblin or....well, you get the picture, and then someone else does it. My originality stumps even me, but maybe now I'm starting a trend. Maybe sugar tits will become the next git-r-done? I better get the rights to the merchandise now before some silly nascar fan with a thousand stupid tourists shirts in his closet thinks he has an original idea and steal my money.

ha ha ha - there I go cracking myself up again.
Until later...

By the way, give a nigger a holler if you get bored.

9/22/2005 10:18 AM  
Blogger Skye said...

I feel like them little 'old ladies that always say"How are you , Dearie" but I'm not so GET Fuckin' Better Soon!

9/22/2005 3:55 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

I got the tree porn email but I haven't had a chance to look at it.

Feeling much better today, thanks.

Don't know which I like better - sugar tits or muffin ass. Hmm.

9/23/2005 11:07 AM  
Blogger decade5 said...

Illness is why the sweet baby Jeezus gave us NyQuil, codeine and bad daytime television. Ride that head cold for all it's worth, Sugar-honey-pumpkin-love.

9/23/2005 7:17 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

Thanks Jill. Doing ok now, it only took a week! Geez.

You know you're sick when your boss sends you home and tells you not to come back and infect everyone. But haha, I did anyway.

9/26/2005 10:00 AM  
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