Friday, September 16, 2005

Thanks and stuff

We had a really good show last nite at the club. Small audience, but they were very receptive to both the comics and the improv, which was my main concern.

Big thanks to Bryce, Tom, Robby and Carrey B. You guys were great and I appreciate you being there! I pushed a little and got 10 minutes for everyone, so I was happy about that. It was way better than I expected, and the folks from French Club Dropouts were so nice to us!

If you haven’t seen Carrey B perform, you need to. (I sound like the Comedy Critic! LOL!) He’s from New Orleans, and hearing his story about getting his family out of the city was just amazing. The crowd absolutely loved him. His take on the whole situation was hysterical. Bryce, Tom and Robby, as always, were fantastic. As much as I hated having to cut a couple of people from the show, I think ultimately it went well. Thanks again guys! We raised a little money for the Red Cross and had fun doing it.

Tonite we have a special show. I’m stepping away from hosting stand-up for the evening in favor of a little improv, followed by one of the funniest sketch comedy duos I’ve ever seen, The Cooperation Corporation. Blair and Chris are smart, funny and edgy, I hope you can come see the show. Check out their website:

Bar of Soap was terrible, the drunks who were there to see me wouldn’t shut up during anyone’s set, and I really hate that. Hell, they talked through my set too, and I wasn't really into it. You just never know how it’s gonna go there. But it’s always nice to see the guys. Rich, if you were a little older honey…:-)

To clarify my previous post, I am NOT a man hater! I love men, I do. I just don’t like most of them. No, that’s not true either. I just think they make better friends than anything else. All that drama with commitment, or lack of, and boyfriends and why doesn’t he call when he says he will and why is he late again and all the arguing and stupidity and jealousy and blah, blah, blah. I just don’t have time for all that.

For the first time in a long time, I have no kids for the weekend. They’re getting older and they have other things to do, it’s not so cool to hang out with mom anymore. And that makes me sad. But, I guess I can do grown-up stuff instead. And as much as I bitched about sports yesterday, I’ve been invited to watch the Notre Dame game tomorrow at my friend Paul’s house. (No, not any Paul that you know. He’s not a comic, he doesn’t do improv, and I’m pretty sure he’s never set foot on a stage of any sort!). I can fake it, he’s a lot of fun.

I’m a happy chick today. A little tired. A little stressed. Still a sexy bitch. Have a great weekend!


Blogger Jenn said...

Boredom is not an option with this guy, trust me. He's nutty and a lot of fun. And I can try to like football, maybe a little.

Thanks for doing the show! You were great.

9/16/2005 10:47 AM  
Blogger Beth said...

We were rehearsing last night for the show tonight...and I gotta tell you, I almost peed my fucking pants it was so funny. I don't think they've done anything this funny in a long time. (I have one line. Make that 2.) Anyway, we should have a large crowd tonight, so be excited! WOOO! Let's get drunk! My day got even shittier after we talked. I'm trying not to think about anything unless it involves how hot I am.

9/16/2005 11:32 AM  
Blogger Jenn said...

Beth, you are hot, and I am VERY excited about the show tonite!!! Didn't get to have lunch with Blair afterall, work is busy and such. I think I scare him.

Thanks Sarah. :) We're all sexy bitches up in here!

9/16/2005 1:10 PM  
Blogger Skye said...

I wish I didn't live so far away, I'd love to come see all of you crazies.(that's meant in a luving way). I think a road show is in order one big bus and all of ya'll.

9/16/2005 1:37 PM  
Blogger Brent Dawson LPC said...

i'm at the improv this saturday at 11:00.

sorry jenn, i'm plugging on your blog site, because noone visits mine anymore.

9/16/2005 2:59 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

Brent! Yay! I will try my damn hardest to get there to see you! Who are you opening for?

9/16/2005 3:16 PM  
Blogger Brent Dawson LPC said...

thanks jenn. i'm doing a guest spot for dean lewis.

9/16/2005 7:39 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

That rocks! If I can dig up some funds I'm there. How much are tickets?

9/17/2005 8:48 AM  
Blogger Brent Dawson LPC said...

not sure on this one. for most headliners its $20, not sure for dean.

9/17/2005 8:17 PM  

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