Friday Show Line-up and how I can predict the future
Hey guys! The 11 PM show tonite at the West End Comedy Theatre is gonna kick ass! Here is your list of fabulous comics:
Bryce Richardson, host
Corey Sutton
Shawn Lippert
Jim Arnold
Damus Smith
Neil Edwards
Brent Thomas
Your producer this evening will be the awesome Brent Dawson. That almost rhymes. I'm all Dr. Seuss up in here today. I'm taking the weekend off to hang with the kids and get some stuff done around the house, maybe get some rest for a change. What a novel idea.
My friend Karen was wonderful last nite as the opener for Queertown! You go, K. You rocked the house, I'm so proud of you. The show was also very good, as usual. They have a great cast and their material is solid. Lots of fun. I won the Trailer Trash Barbie doll in the silent auction. Go me!
In other news....Mr. Mississippi has decided to work out the marriage and return me to the 'what never will be' pile. How's that for irony? I knew he would. I knew that our being in touch with each other again would be short-lived, as it always turns out that way. I'm just happy that he's ok, and I wish him the best. I'm glad I got to share the story with everyone. We laughed, we cried. It was a beautiful thing. Road trip cancelled.
Have a great weekend y'all. I'll post my updated show schedule in the next few days. Peace out.
Bryce Richardson, host
Corey Sutton
Shawn Lippert
Jim Arnold
Damus Smith
Neil Edwards
Brent Thomas
Your producer this evening will be the awesome Brent Dawson. That almost rhymes. I'm all Dr. Seuss up in here today. I'm taking the weekend off to hang with the kids and get some stuff done around the house, maybe get some rest for a change. What a novel idea.
My friend Karen was wonderful last nite as the opener for Queertown! You go, K. You rocked the house, I'm so proud of you. The show was also very good, as usual. They have a great cast and their material is solid. Lots of fun. I won the Trailer Trash Barbie doll in the silent auction. Go me!
In other news....Mr. Mississippi has decided to work out the marriage and return me to the 'what never will be' pile. How's that for irony? I knew he would. I knew that our being in touch with each other again would be short-lived, as it always turns out that way. I'm just happy that he's ok, and I wish him the best. I'm glad I got to share the story with everyone. We laughed, we cried. It was a beautiful thing. Road trip cancelled.
Have a great weekend y'all. I'll post my updated show schedule in the next few days. Peace out.
How 'bout posting that big beautiful ass of yours next to a phone and using it to call someone when you tell them you will, monkey fist? I waited all day with sweet, anxious anticipation for a call and...that's right, NOTHING! I was so looking foward to a laugh...I need a good laugh, really need a good laugh, and I thought you were the one to give it to me, but keep your word? No! Instead you built me up and let me down hard. Sort of like when I told you how great I can fuck for months and how huge my cock is and how it could choke even the great Jenn and you walked around on air, with thoughts of fancy floating vivaciously around through that cavernous head of yours as your gash leaked down your hot thighs day after day after day only to find out that I not only had extreme difficulty getting it up, but that it couldn't block a cats nostril and only lasted about ten seconds of utter dissapointment until you had a spot on your belly that felt like you had been dabbed with a q-tip soaked in acetone. That let down you's the same one I felt. And I felt it today too because I thought, "maybe she forgot and got busy and she'll call today?" Like the White man say's...I was wrong. I am on day shift tomorrow and sunday if you should find yourself bored. I'm not nearly as venomous as this says, I knew better. I mean - who the fuck would REALLY want to talk to me, right? Why waste the time? I just wanted you to feel like shit, sort of like I did when you didn't call, before you read to the bottom and found out I will still live even though you never called and that I'm cool. I'm not upset. Sad for sure, but not upset. I really could use that laugh. No stage time is replacing smiles of joy with tears of lonliness and sorrow. You know how it goes. I'll catch you later. Until then...
I completely forgot. I am an awful, awful person. I've been waiting for you to comment on my most recent sappy bullshit. I have plenty of excuses - are you ready for this? I'm not allowed to use, or even have my cell phone with me at the office. Can't touch it, can't answer it. The job is making me crazy, 50 hours a week of being told how wrong I did something. It's a hoot. I will call you soon, I'm so, so sorry.
Hey Jenn,
"Working it out", never works out.
It just adds a few months or years to denying the inevitable.
Don't we all know that?
Well, you know that, and I know that, but I don't think he's quite figured that out. 14 years and he's still trying. Good luck with all that.
And it's fine really. If we were meant to be together, we would have been. Like I said, the ideal that we built up in our heads is probably far better than what the reality would have been.
I'm still giggling at Jeff's post, and being thankful that my kids don't read this stuff!
Why is that? Afraid your daughter's pusspuss may..ummhumm...moisten a bit at the thought of such vivid sexual imagery and my cock?
God damn I'm funny!
Until later...
Or is it the thought of a q-tip dipped in acetone splatting on your belly? Personally, I sort of liked that one myself. I read it and was like, "what the fuck is wrong with me?" I am a sick, twisted fuck of a man that's for sure!
I love you honeybeaver!
Until later...
OH! In case I haven't said it in a while, I'd SOOOOOO fuck Sarah!
I don't know what kind of crazy dating service is going on in here, but I won't stand for it! Mainly because no one would ever want to fuck me except Chris. I had to take two showers after reading these posts from Jeff, and not because I felt "dirty" but because I feld "DURTY" if you catch my drift. Oh, and Jenn, I should have that flier for you sometime tonight.
Thanks, Beth. Now I'm self conscious about myself, turd slurper. You fucked me up and made me ashamed. I'd still fuck the hell out of Sarah with my ashamed self though.
Until later...
Got the flier, should have it printed and delivered today.
And I would do you Beth, oh yeah. Maybe we can sneak off when Chris isn't looking. :)
My job has turned into a 10 hour a day nitemare and I have little time to think, write or post. Dammit.
This website might make you feel better. (oh, and don't open it while at work unless you know no one is around.)
ok...I officially hate blogger. Why would it cut off the link? WHY?
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