Monday, March 08, 2010

Men. When will they stop being stupid?

Dear male friend who hurt my very dear female friend:

I know you don't read this. And that's good. I'm going to yell at you in person, worry not. You are a tool, of the highest order. I don't know what else to say. I honestly thought you weren't like the other ridiculously immature and damaged men that we encounter so very often.

I'm so angry and so surprised that you're not what I thought you were. I'm picky in my selection of friends, espcecially of the male varitey. I don't understand what you were thinking. You fucking douche. Next time I see you, expect an unpleasant reception.

Women are such givers. We give til it hurts. And no matter how old we get, how educated we are, or how many times we've been through all of this before, we take a chance, and try again, and go through it all over. And it hurts. And it sucks.

But at least we keep trying. We don't give up, even though the outcomes are rarely what we hope for. We keep trying. We keep giving. And that's what makes us so damn special.

I don't think I could possibly be any angrier with this person. Even if I were the one on the receiving end of the deceit. I expect men to lie to me, to be deceitful and selfish and heartless. I expect it! How awful is that? But I hope for better things for and from my friends.

Fuck you, dude. Seriously.


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