Monday, February 01, 2010

They like me. They really like me.

Happy Monday and good morning, all. I'm tired today, as I worked on Saturday, but no worries.

Let's see what's happening in JennWorld. Had a great show in Plano Saturday nite at Taste of the Islands. I had 15 people show up to see me. Freaking sweet! I didn't know I had that many friends! Surprise! It was awesome. Jill was there. My nieces came. A couple of the MPIII people. Several co-workers. A couple of friends who brought other friends. It was pretty freaking amazing.

It was a good show. Everyone had a good set, and the place was packed! (Thanks to my friends, mostly.) The guy who headlined stiffed me on the money, but hey, we all know I don't do comedy for the money, right? lol.

Haven't heard from my favorite boy in 4 weeks. I'm a little worried. I'm sure he's fine. Bass player called me this weekend. He was actually sober for a change. I think I'm done with both of them.

This will be the year that I meet someone who's not a complete tool. Seriously. I have high hopes. (Remind me of this positive attitude in December when I still haven't met anyone worth mentioning.)

Oh, and my nieces think I should get back together with my ex-husband. That's sweet. And always an option.

My medical stuff - I've been diagnosed with Endometriosis. I need to have surgery, but I have to come up with $1000 before they will do it. Fucking ridiculous. I'm not ready for the 'big H', so I'm having a simpler procedure done called 'ablation', which will only take me down for a couple of days, much to the happiness of my boss. In the meantime, my doc won't call me in anything stronger than Tylenol #3 for pain, and that makes me vomit. Thankfully, the doctor's group I work with at my job called in something for me, and I think I'm gonna be fine until the surgery, which won't happen until mid-March. I am very thankful for these people and these meds!

That is all for now. Please drive through.


Blogger theFarschside said...

I had a friend who got the ablation -- and she said it's not so bad. -- My Dr's been trying to get me to do one to which I say "phhhhhht!" -- You've done enough voodoo to me down south in the past year.

Great news on the show!

2/01/2010 9:56 AM  
Blogger decade5 said...

Haw haw. Your end is being odd.

2/02/2010 1:25 PM  

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