Sunday, August 10, 2008

Alive and kicking

My, but it's been a while, eh?

I'm still alive. It's been kindof a crappy summer. Started off great, but my stress and my health got the better of me and took me down a few notches. The Summer of Jenn turned into the Summer of Lab Tests and Doctor Visits. Yay me.

The good news? I'm feeling a lot better. The bad news? They still don't quite know what's wrong with me. Could be the pancreas, the colon, or a combination. But, I'm going back to work tomorrow because I've found it difficult to pay bills without a paycheck. Imagine that?

A word to the wise - the term 'public assistance' really isn't meant for all of the 'public'. Apparently if I were to quit my job, give birth to 5 or 6 more kids and start smoking crack, I would be entitled to all the help in the world. Instead, I struggle, and it's only due to the help of a couple of amazing friends that I'm not writing this from the public library while waiting for the soup kitchen to open. lol.

Big huge and heartfelt thanks to my friend Ladonna, who not only made sure I had a place to live, but also came and took me away from all this for a few days. I enjoyed my visit to the 'country' so much that I'm even considering moving there at the end of the year. We practically grew up together, we're like family, and we don't get to see each other very often. My visit to her place allowed me to breathe and relax for a change. And now that I'm home, I want to go back. Just imagine air that doesn't smell like exhaust and human leavings. Ahh, it's enough to make you never want to be in the city.

My friend Jill has been kind enough to allow me to de-gunkify her house - (I do a damn good job if you're in need, and my rates are reasonable, lol) - and we went bra shopping, and she and Ladonna both passed on some clothes to me that will keep in work wear for a while. Since losing 20 pounds, things aren't quite fitting the way they are supposed to. Hooray for bras that fit! God knows I don't want to let these babies loose on the town.

My improv friends (Jill, etc.) just got back from the Comedy Sportz World Championship in Portland - where it's never a hundred and fuck degrees. teehee. I'm so jealous. I hope to go next year.

And finally, my princess, my sweet girl who is about to turn 16, has a death wish. I really think she wants me to kill her. She's gone completely nuts and I'm sending her back to live with her dad, because school is starting soon and with me being gone 15 hours a day I know she won't go.
I got a call this morning at 6 AM from the Garland Police - they found her drunk and knocking on someone's door. So even her dad can't seem to stop the madness as she was spending the weekend with him. God help us, I don't know how much more I can take.

Still single and still ok with that.

I guess that's a wrap for now. Questions? Comments? You know where to click. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to see you are alive and kicking. As someone who spent his teen years in a rural area, let me assure you that gets old, too.

8/10/2008 3:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haven't checked in with you in far too long. Am in San Francisco atm...just finished an intense, exhausting writing workshop, which ended with pitching my book to agents...I don't have one yet, but they asked during the pitch session yesterday (and emailed today to ask again) if I'd send my complete synopsis and first ten pages.

8/10/2008 10:41 PM  
Blogger Larissa said...

Glad to see you are alive. Sorry the princess is showing her warts.

8/12/2008 3:09 PM  
Blogger Jenn Hoff said...

eye - i'm sure it gets old, and it wouldn't be forever. I'm still considering it.

melissa - hi! And awesome! Let me know how it goes. That is really amazing, I'm so happy for you!

lal - :) Love ya! She'll straighten up eventually. Probably when she's 30. lol.

8/14/2008 9:06 AM  

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