Sunday, July 06, 2008

I, Frank Grimes, (or "Grimey" as I like my friends to call me), have decided to look for a new job, in lieu of accidentally electrocuting myself. The Homers are in full force and I just can't take it anymore.

Doh, doh, doh.

I'm also done with the 20 year old. It was what it was, and I find myself bored. I really do prefer spending time with grown-ups, as I have nothing in common with someone half my age. Well, one thing in common.

I like being single. I like not having to answer to someone. I like ME, for the first time in a long time, and I absolutely know for a fact that I have no idea what I want in a man, so this works for me. I don't feel that achy, lonely feeling. It's just not there anymore. I don't need to have a man in my life. I may want one eventually, but for now, I'm good.

Yeah. I'm good.


Blogger I said...

Wow, It's been a month. Where are you? Life sure gets in the way of enjoying anything. I hate my life. Being single sucks.

8/02/2008 3:13 PM  

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