Monday, November 27, 2006

In other news...

Wow. Kid Rock and Pamela Anderson filed for divorce.

Didn't see that coming.
Single tear. Sniff.

(just kidding)


Oh, and the owner of the Laugh Factory says they will now start dishing out fines to anyone who uses the "N" word on stage, following the much-publicized meltdown and racist tirade of Michael Richards.

I wonder...does that include the brothers?

I absolutely HATE this double standard. There would be no BET if black guys didn't say 'nigger' in their act. There would be no Kings of Comedy.

When Richard Pryor said it, it was FUNNY. When these guys say it now, every other word, it's NOT.

Carlos Mencia is a racist too, but since he's hispanic, nobody cares.

I hate the "C" word. But I have no urge to reclaim and embrace it in the name of women everywhere and use it on a regular basis. You won't hear me walking up to one of my girlfriends and saying, "Hey, what's up cunt?" No, if I use that word, and I use it very rarely, it is reserved as an insult for the female people I despise the very most. Only a small handful have earned that title from me. (Like the girl I told you about earlier today, and only two others I can think of right off.)

If a word is offensive, then it's offensive to everyone, and it shouldn't be allowed to be used by one group and not another. I'm not defending Kramer - what he said was certainly over the top. But the double standard is wrong, and that's what I'm on about.

Word to your mutha.


Blogger Larissa said...

I sort of disagree with you about Mencia. While his comments on their own may be pushing the edge of taste, there is an interesting thing about Mencia. He says if you can't do a joke in front of the people you are making a joke about, it is not a fair joke - i.e. it is an insult where you are laughing AT them, not WITH them. Or so he elaborates about....

much love from Houston!

11/28/2006 1:20 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

Much love back! And disagreements are always welcome. :)

I understand his philosophy - I just don't think it's that funny. It's kinda like me relying on dirty jokes all the time - sure, I get a laugh if I say certain words, but it's an EASY laugh. I didn't have to work that hard to get it. The same with racist humor. If a mexican guy says 'beaner' in a crowd full of mexicans, they are going to laugh. If a black guy says 'n' in a crowd full of black people, well, you get the idea. Not funny, IMO.

We have a friend who writes for Mencia's show, but I still never thot he was that funny. Before he made to Comedy Central, his act was a bit different.


11/28/2006 1:56 PM  
Blogger I said...

Okay everybody calm down step back and freaking BITE ME! What is the first thing you attack when someone cuts you off in traffic? Race, religeon and gender. Anyone who has not may cast the first stone. Anyone else is full of sh*t. Why do we feel it necessary for everyone to love each other? I dislike a lot of people. The asshole next door, my siblings and Carlos Mencia. Why is it so wrong for us to admit that we dislike someone? Because we're idiots. The Seinfeld guy got pissed. So what? Move on America. Kids are Dying of starvation in slums down the street you f*cking idiots!

Doofleboy has spoken. He also hates things and people. Deal with it or build a space ship.

11/28/2006 9:36 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

Awesome to see you fired up, doof.

I usually don't insult people's race or gender. Now religion, don't get me started. lol. ;)

11/28/2006 9:39 PM  
Blogger Larissa said...

ooohhh, religion. Now there is a place I can lob insults when someone thinks they have all the answers.

I think Mencia's piece about mentally ill is funny, some of the others stuff isn't terribly funny, but I don't find it insulting either - imho.

11/29/2006 3:21 PM  

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