Monday, October 16, 2006

I want a new tattoo

I’ve had the fever for a while, it’s just they’re so damned expensive. But it's birthday time and I'm thinking I deserve a treat. I’d like to get one more, just one more. Of course, that would bring me to three, and three is an uneven number, and that kinda freaks me out, so in all actuality I would probably end up getting another one, just so that I’m even. Damn this OCD.

I got my first one when I was 30. It’s on my right hip, so no one except the boyfriend ever gets to see it. It is adorable though. I got it during my Phen-Fen spree. I was so excited, having lost 30 pounds, that I thought celebrating with permanent body art was the way to go. I chose a cheery little number – a sunflower with a happy face in the middle. Very cute and girly, I know. (What, did you expect me to get a skull and cross bones? Geez.)

The second tat came after my divorce. Sort of a, “hey, look at me! I’m single again!” tattoo. Where did this one land? You guessed it – lower back. Where all the classy ladies are getting them done these days. This time I went with my zodiac sign, not too big, in a lovely shade of purple.

So my dilemma – what should I get now, and where should it go? I’m thinking ankle maybe. Definitely not on the boobs. Those are sacred and shall not be inked. But I’m at a loss as to what it should be. Maybe a bunny, lots of meaning behind that. Tell me what you think.


Blogger I said...

As a third, get the first two removed. Whatever happened to bone stock women? On a car if you screw it up sh*t can be un bolted. The tat thing? too hard to unscrew. Why not get the kind that lasts a week then goes away? Then you can customize every week. You are much prettier without......

Doofleboy has professed from the highest mountian.

10/19/2006 2:13 PM  
Blogger I said...

Uh oh.....

10/24/2006 7:55 PM  

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