Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Election Re-crap

So we re-elected a crappy governor. Yay, Texas. Way to be forward-thinking. But the voters in South Dakota rejected a very strict and unyielding abortion ban, so that’s good news for the women folk up there.

A ban on gay marriage was defeated in Arizona, but 7 states did vote in favor of constitutional amendments banning those unions. Stem cell research was given the thumbs up by Missouri voters. Thanks, Michael J. Fox. It’s good to see that we’re moving forward in some areas, despite the far reach of the far right.

I was surprised to find out that people of Rhode Island voted in favor of restoring the voting rights of felons who are on probation or parole. I actually think that’s a good thing.

I forgot to vote, and I am riddled with guilt. Not that my one little vote would have put
Chris Bell over the top, but I have to think that maybe it would have. I met him and his wife when I lived in Houston, and I was very much looking forward to his run for governor. I’ve had friends and relatives bombarding me with “Vote for Kinky” emails. The main reason I would not have voted for Mr. Friedman is because of his stance on abortion. He said he would not veto a ban, of any kind, and in spite of his charm and non-politician ways, I could not have voted for him and felt good about it. I’m not a one issue voter by any means, but that’s a big one. And it’s a shame that his 12% of the votes could have meant a possible victory for Chris Bell.

So now the Democrats have control of the house for the first time in 12 years. We have the very first female Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi. That’s exciting. Hopefully these things will bring about some change, especially in the areas war and accountability. Most of you probably don’t care. I used to be very political, and I’ve gotten away from it in recent years. But I still pay attention to what’s going on.

Work is busy, life is busy, I’m dealing with a lot of personal issues right now and I’m not feeling excessively chatty. I woke up with a migraine today, so I’m dealing with that the best I can. Hope you all are doing well and smiling today.


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