Tuesday, August 15, 2006


A few things to mention today...

Over 14,000 hits now. Let me take this opportunity to once again thank you folks who continue to read me. It's nice to know that some of you find my rambling somewhat interesting. Thanks!

I'm 43 pages along on my play. It's really flowing and I'm both happy and surprised. Lots more to fill in though, and I still haven't decided if it will have a happy ending or a realistic one. I'm leaning more toward realistic. I'm not a romantic, by any stretch of the imagination.

Friday is Evan's birthday. I've already purchased his gift. It's wrapped and hidden somewhere in our house. I expect he'll search for it as soon as I'm gone for an extended period of time. It's in one of those hiding places that would seem too obvious, so I really don't think he'll find it. :)

He's asked me not to make a big deal out of his birthday, so we'll be celebrating the day simply, and I'm very much looking forward to that. We'll probably spend the nite away from home and have a nice dinner somewhere, maybe with friends, maybe alone. But definitely without roommates, without distractions. He doesn't like a big fuss over his birthday, well, that's what he says anyway, and I respect that. I, on the other hand, want everyone to know when my birthday rolls around. (Ahem, October).

So, if you happen to see him this weekend, be sure and tell him Happy Birthday. Just don't tell him you heard it from me. God knows I'd better stay on his good side. :)


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