Saturday, August 05, 2006

My day

Good afternoon my blog friends. Tonite is the show. I'm nervous. And I'm alone, which is better on a day like this. I tend to get a little wacky before a show. I can't eat. I can't sleep. Here's how my last 20 hours have gone. I was fine until around midnite. :)

Last night...made Evan's calls to his students in the car on the way to the CSz show, as is my usual practice. For some reason, we never seem to get to it earlier in the day.

Helped work the door for CSz. Said silly things to people and made them laugh as I showed them to their seats. Evan did sound and I sat in the booth and watched.
Didn't stay to hang out with everyone, stopped off for fast food on the way home and they completely screwed up my order, which I didn't realize until we were already at home. Dammit. I was really irritated. My last meal for at least 24 hours. I can't eat in this state. (Not Texas, my state of mind. Oh, you knew that? Ok.)

Went to bed after 1 AM, and I couldn't sleep. Couldn't turn off my brain for just a few minutes. I'm going over my set in my head. Does this joke flow into that one? Should I try anything different, or stick with what I know hits? What am I going to wear? Got up at 2:30 and hit the couch. Turned on the tv and found the "Dead Zone" - the movie, not the series. I dozed off finally for a few minutes, them my daughter comes in and wakes me up. Can she have a ride at 6 AM to work? Sure, but could you have woken me up closer to departure time? I just fell asleep! Dammit! So I'm awake again, it's 4 AM and the X-Files is on. I used to love that show. I'm watching, I start to drift off again, and my roommate comes in asks me if I have any antacid. Geez, just because I'm on the couch doesn't mean you should talk to me. I'm asleep! No, I don't have any fucking antacid, and now I'm awake - AGAIN! So he runs off and leaves me to my insomnia. I did fall asleep from then until about 5:45, when my daughter woke me up for that ride I promised in my coma-like state. Fumbled around pointlessly for clothes, searched Evan's pockets for the car key, drive the teenager to work. Now I'm fully awake, and I'm thinking about coffee. But, seeing as I was still in my pajamas, there was no way I would be exiting the vehicle. I could just make some at home later. Yeah, I'll just go home and go back to sleep for a while.

Back at home, 6:30 AM. I climb back into bed. Try to get comfortable and relax. Fall asleep at 7. Alarm goes off at 8 AM, and at this point I've all but given up on getting any sleep at all. Time to get Evan up for class. But I also have to get up and tend to things before he leaves.

Where are my glasses, honey?
They're in the car.
Did you get my uniforms to wash?
Yes, dear.
Where's my shirt?
Should be in the drawer, hon.
Thanks, babe. You're awesome. I love you.
Love you too, I'm going back to sleep now.

He's gone. It's 9 AM. Should I even try? I'm so tired. I just need a few hours, just 2 even, that would be great. Yeah, sleep now, get up at 11 or so, have coffee, start going over my set. So I get back into bed, one last time. And the phone rings. It's one of Evan's students who I'd left a message for the previous evening. He's lost and forgot the address of where he's supposed to be. Grrrr. Then another student calls to say she won't be making the class today and that she rescheduled for next week. Fine. No problem.

No point. I get up. I go into the kitchen to make coffee. Yay, coffee. But then I realized that I'm out of milk, and I seriously cannot drink coffee without it. Damn. So I have some Dr. Pepper instead. Not the same. Receive a few more phone calls, start to realize how truly freaked out I am about my set for tonite, call Seth frantically to ask if I'm still funny. Luckily, he's nervous too. Good. It's not just me. And yes, I'm still funny. Ann Marie called and we chatted for a while. She called to ask if their son should attend the show tonite. I really don't think he would ever look at me the same if he did. And the therapy bills, forget about it. So that was a 'no'. I make no apologies for my blue humor. But I don't want to traumatize anyone's kids. Then Evan called to see if I was ok, because he knows how I get. Yes, I'm fine. Have I eaten? No, I'll eat later. Yeah right.

It's nearly 3 PM right now. I have yet to get prepared. I have not eaten. I think I've figured out what I'm wearing. I feel a little better after talking to Evan and Seth. But I really wish I had some coffee.

It will be a great show, in spite of my neurosis. :)


Blogger I said...

Holy freaking cow! That sucks! I finally got around to starting the next chapter on Doofleboy Speaks. It's so gonna rule! Till I sell this GODDAMN house I'm stuck working all the time to pay mortgages. When I work. Doofleboy plays. I hate that f*cker. Ha!

Doofleboy has spoken.

8/05/2006 5:32 PM  
Blogger I said...

Dude! I am so back!

8/07/2006 4:11 PM  
Blogger I said...

Wow! I'm your only BLOG friend this week. Hey! Check out "Floor Jacked!" Doofleboy is in trouble again and handles it with elegance and grace!

Doofleboy has spoken!

8/07/2006 7:18 PM  
Blogger I said...

Oh, if you have time read the previous one to figure out why Doof sleeps under the car. What a tormented life!

8/07/2006 7:19 PM  

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