Friday, April 11, 2008

Philisophical waxing hurts less than you've heard

I was hoping to contribute something substantial today, but it's just not happening.

I'm going thru some heavy personal stuff at the moment. I haven't decided if I want to write about it here or not. I'm thankful for the Zoloft, as I do believe it is the only thing keeping me together. Maybe too much so. I'm a bit numb. Everything seems so sureal. I mean, really? This is my life?

Nah. Couldn't be.

I've been angry a lot lately. Not necessarily at any one person in particular. Just...angry. One issue triggers another and before you know it, Happy Jenn has left the building. No one likes to see that. This week has been really rough. One of my co-workers asked if I was ok because I didn't sound like my normal, chipper self. Yikes. Keep it together, Jenn.

I like my job, I really do. And I'm good at it. I just expect the people around me not to suck at everything. Is that so much to ask? It amazes me that someone can do the same job for a number of years, yet still not know what the hell they're doing. I still feel like Frank Grimes.

It's important to me, as a Libra, to keep things balanced. There are usually good things that come along with the bad - for example, I asked for a raise and I got one - but often times it's easy to lose sight of the good things when they are overshadowed by the bad.

I'm just very...unbalanced right now.

I'm angry at the (ex) so-called men in my life: one coward, one criminal. I wasted far too much time on these men. I'm more angry at myself. For believing them. For loving them. I wish them luck in their future endeavors.

Ha. That made me laugh out loud.

I'm angry that teenagers, no matter how open and honest you are with them, DO NOT LISTEN TO THEIR PARENTS.


I still look both ways before I cross the street. Who taught me that? My mom. When did I learn this? When I was 4. That's when your kids listen to you. When they're teenagers, you just sound like the teacher from the Peanuts cartoon.

That's all I've got. 'Nite.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you thought about all that in Rio de Janeiro, would it be a Brazilian waxing?

4/12/2008 12:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, at least you can always look back and remember that for one bright shining moment, you WERE indeed the "coolest mom ever". You'll always have THAT! even if for a day.

4/16/2008 7:06 AM  

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