Thursday, January 17, 2008

Ahh, the 1930's.

Since you probably can't read the text of this wonderful ad, I was kind enough to type it for you:

"Day after heartbreaking day, I was held in an unyielding web – a web spun by my husband’s indifference. I couldn’t reach him anymore! Was the fault mine? Well, thinking you know about feminine hygiene, yet trusting to now-and-then care, can make all the difference in married happiness, as my doctor pointed out. He said never to run such careless risks (and) prescribed Lysol brand disinfectant for douching – always.

Oh, the joy of finding Tom’s love and close companionship once more! Believe me, I follow to the letter my doctor’s advice on feminine hygiene…always use Lysol for douching."

Are you kidding me? lol.

check this one out:

We've come a long way, baby. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at the expression on her face in the second picture. Was she douching with it or huffing it? And don't you dare say both.........

1/17/2008 6:02 PM  
Blogger Jillian said...

Hahaha. Nice ads.

" A web of indifference... but I broke through..."

LOL... I'm a little concerned that her doctor had to let her know that maybe she smelled a bit "funny". I mean, shouldn't SHE know that?

"Was the fault mine?"

... apparently. Heh.

The second picture kills me... hilarious.

1/17/2008 6:59 PM  
Blogger decade5 said...


Lysol douche? WTF? I mean.... I ....


It's the depression and you're worried that you smell like a woman?

I can see how a guy would hate that ... if he's gay.

Do you think they made it in penis-scent?

New Lysol douche in Country Morning Penis scent for the closeted homosexual boyfriend in your life!

Ooh! Wait!

New Lysol douche! Now in "Sweaty Calcutta Ballsack" and "Penis Pine!" Never smell like a woman again!

"Ever since I switched to Lysol douche, my husband says I smell like a hot, dank scrotum. We've never been happier."

1/19/2008 10:26 PM  

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