Thursday, May 11, 2006

Birthday boy, job update, and being happy.

A few things of note....

Today is my son Christopher’s birthday. He’s 12. Wow. When people say, “They grow up so fast”, it really is true. It seems like the years have just flown by. He was born the Wednesday after Mother’s Day in 1994. He was my ‘no pain’ baby. Epidural. Gotta love it. Not being able to feel your legs is a little odd, and my right leg kept falling off the bed and I couldn’t move it, so my mom had to keep putting it back on the bed. That was pretty amusing. Unfortunately, the medication caused my blood pressure to drop drastically, and labor was prolonged for several hours. We arrived at the hospital around 10 that morning, and he was born shortly after 5:30 PM. But I was more relaxed and alert this time around. I had a wonderful doctor who had a very calm and soothing bedside manner. When he was delivering Christopher, he would tell me exactly what he was going to do next. Not that I could feel a thing. But all went well, including my tubal ligation surgery immediately following the birth, and I was back home the next day by the afternoon. Love those HMO’s.

Twelve years. Certainly doesn’t seem that long.
Happy Birthday little man!!!!

The job still going well. My boss called the temp agency to tell them how great I am and how much everyone loves me. That’s a good feeling. Yay me, I’m useful! Not that I require that type of validation. Oh hell, who am I kidding? Of course I do! But I really like it. The warehouse people are just the coolest, and apparently I’m much nicer than the girl who was here before. I’ve met her. She’s kinda snotty. I can see why they would like me. Having a sense of humor seems to be a good thing around here.

At home, things are fine. I'm so happy to have Evan there everyday. It's nice to come home to someone who's glad to see you. Still pissed at the roommate, but I probably should just let it go. I think I'm right, he thinks he is, and it's just become a real strain on everyone. Which brings me to my next tangent...

I wonder if my previous boss still reads this. We were friends, but after working together, our friendship got a little strained, to say the least. But there’s a question that she posed to me a long time ago, and I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. The question is: Do you want to be right, or do you want to be happy? If you think about it, there are very few, if any, situations in which you can be both. Being right doesn’t always make you happy, and being happy doesn’t always mean you’re right. Sure, there is some satisfaction gained from being right, but it’s only temporary.

I think I’d much rather be happy.

There are flaws and imperfections in everything and everyone, even the people we love, but pointing them out to prove something doesn’t make anyone happy. Although, if you’re one of those people who enjoys tearing people down and pointing out their flaws to make yourself seem like a better person, you should seriously consider what you’re doing to others. Words hurt, no matter what anyone says to the contrary. Being right at the expense of someone's feelings isn't right at all.

So go out there and be happy. You don’t have to be right all the time.


Blogger I said...

I must be right all the time. I am surprised that you still BLOG here. Everyone has left. Soon you will leave and I will be alone with the routers. They will kill me if they get the chance. Hey! Do you need a house? I have a house for sale if you do. Are you still performing anywhere? Soon I will be able to leave the routers and persue comedy more agressively. I am selling all my houses and am beginning to buy and sell instead. My oldest is off the payroll and her sister is off next year. Without child support and debt I can once again claim my throne as the great Doofler. That is all. Doofleboy has spoken!

5/13/2006 7:07 PM  
Blogger I said...

The damn routers are looking at me funny.

5/13/2006 7:10 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

I will always blog here, it keeps me sane.

I haven't performed since March. Soon I'll be back out there.

A house you say? Email me about it. I may know someone who would be interested, depending on the location.

5/14/2006 4:44 PM  

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