Monday, April 17, 2006

Death, Taxes and Thai food

Happy Monday bloggers. I really wish weekends were three days. I suppose for some people this was a 3-day weekend, as Good Friday is a holiday. But not for us.

Let's see, what's been happening. Two deaths last week - Evan's great-Aunt, she was 92, (I'm sure he will blog about it), and my friend Sara's grandfather, he was 84. Everyone seems to be doing ok I guess. But deaths usually come in threes, and we're one short. Yikes. I'm just glad I could be here to offer my support to everyone. I'm extra good in that department, perhaps in hopes that the favor will be returned when I lose a family member. But all I have left is my mom, who is in questionable health, and my dad who I haven't spoken to in three years. I was never one of his favorite people, but when folks around me start dying it makes me want to call him. Maybe I will. I have some things I want to ask him about before he passes on.

And in case you missed it - April 15 just passed, so if you haven't done your taxes, they are officially late. Sorry to be the one to tell you.

Saturday I spent the day cleaning house. And if you've never been to visit, as I'm sure most people reading this have not - it's a big freaking house. I love it. Roomie Dave helped me out a little, but he was mainly focused on his room, and I was on a roll and didn't really want any help. I'm a 'do it myself' kind of person when it comes to housecleaning, although a little help now and then wouldn't kill me. Or them. I don't mind cleaning up after my man and my kids, but the other grown-ups can damn well clean up after themselves. Word.

Saturday nite we caught the midnite showing of Young Frankenstein at the Inwood. Note to patrons: They turn off the AC around 1 AM. Not pleasant. The movie was good, the sweating was not.

Easter Sunday - the kids spent Easter with their dad, which was ok I suppose. We try to keep the holiday schedules fair for everyone. Besides, they're getting a little too old for Easter egg hunts and the like. Aww. They're growing up. :(

Dave spent most of the day preparing dinner. He decided to do Thai food - well, ok, he didn't decide, Evan begged. He's got a thing for peanut sauce. So we had Pad Thai, Chicken Satay, spring rolls, the works, and Mike pitched in with a tasty curry and fried bananas for dessert. And, just to alleviate any questions about Dave's sexuality - he apparently got digits from the cute Vietnamese girl at the market where he purchased all the goodies. Go Dave! They're supposed to have lunch today. Cool. I just hope that if he starts getting laid, he won't turn into a complete douchebag like our other roomie.

Tomorrow is my last day at this job. I have an enormous headache and absolutely nothing to do. Since the lady came back from medical leave, she's been taking care of everything, and the other lady I was filling in for is back on Wednesday. I don't get it though - I've done this job by myself for 2 months, without any trouble at all. I don't see why it takes two people to do it. It's not that difficult.

Off to do some writing I guess, as I seem to have plenty of time. Hope you're all doing well.


Blogger I said...

Actually if you read your tax manual it says that when the 15th falls on a weekend or holiday then your taxes have to be post marked by the following business day. in this case today so until midnight they will not be late.

Doofleboy has Spoken!

4/17/2006 6:08 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

Yeah, Evan pointed that out to me as well. Hmph. I always do mine early cuz there's usually a refund involved.

4/18/2006 8:09 AM  

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