Sunday, January 11, 2009

Only have a moment...

But I didn't want to forget to mention some stuff.

Most interesting customer(s) of the week: I had a couple who were Peacecorp volunteers working in Honduras, teaching health and English. They were lovely.

Gotta give props to Oprah. Apparently, she has featured some very nice, um, personal massagers/caketoppers, on her show recently. We happen to carry them both at my store.

First, the Lelo. These things are like the Louis Vuitton of vibrators. Caketoppers I mean! Argh! Rechargeable, wireless, waterproof, and they have a 1 year warranty. It's a very nice product.

Second, the We-Vibe. Smaller than the Lelo, but offers the same amenities.

And when you tell a woman that it was featured on Oprah, she buys it. Doesn't matter that they are both over $100 each. Oprah knows her caketoppers. Um, vibrators. Dammit! I'm so confused. But I sold 4 of them tonite. Go me.


Blogger I said...

Wow! I don't want anything on me to vibrate even if it has a warranty. Screw Oprah too.

1/16/2009 6:10 PM  

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