Wednesday, January 16, 2008

It's an honor just to be nominated....

First and foremost - howdy to my new readers, and thanks for stopping by. I'm very happy to amuse you. Stick around. :)

So, ok, I really do like my job. I'm just surrounded by people with crappy work ethics and/or way too much drama in their lives. But I like what I do. And I'm pretty good at it, if I may say so. (Yes, Jenn, you may.) Cool, thanks. I mean, I'm not changing people's lives or anything meaningful like that, but lemme tell ya, there are many folks out there who just really need their coffee and are very thankful when you get it to them.

Since I started the job, I have been nominated* for "Employee of the Month**" - 6 times. The thing is, I've only been there for 6 months. There are others who have put in years of service and don't get recognized. I figure I can look at this one of two ways; either I'm just really, really, kickass, or, we have too many crappy employees.

Maybe a bit of both!

* I did not win, but still, 6 nominations? That's pretty cool! I am the Susan Lucci of Aramark. Ha.+++
**They do not actually call it "Employee of the Month", but as I've learned from previous employers, search engines pick up just about anything these days, so I will forego any mention of company-specific information. Thank you. That concludes today's disclaimers.

+++Wait! One more disclaimer. I didn't think of that Susan Lucci line, so thanks to Scott for that one.

OK, NOW we're done with the disclaimers. I think. Wait, wasn't there something else? That's it. Seriously. Ok. Bye.


Blogger Jillian said...

I say treat yourself: You're a kickass employeee. LOL.

And you're welcome... like I said, I love the way you write; it's very conversational and I like that very much.

1/17/2008 12:05 AM  
Blogger Jenn said...

Thank you!!!! :)

1/17/2008 12:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I meant to tell you this months ago, but, if you're in the mood to stretch your writing muscles a bit, my friend Klae runs, and they're always looking for humorous essays. (He keeps trying to make me write for him, but a) no time and b) so not funny.)

Just saying.

Also, congrats. I'm glad they can tell how very kick-ass you are.

1/17/2008 12:20 PM  

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