Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Ringing endorsements...

I'm not a follower of "American Idol", but for some reason I decided to read this article, probably because I saw the word 'scandal' on the link - and I do love a good scandal. The gist of the thing is that some pictures showed up on the internet of some eliminated contestant from the show, and her friend is defending her by saying the pictures are not of her friend but of someone else. Not really a fun scandal, I was hoping for something a bit more intriguing. But I did find a couple of little gems:

"The really bad ones aren't her. I've studied them," Coluccio told The Star-Ledger for Monday's newspapers. "It's not her nose. She's never had (acrylic nail) tips (like the woman in the photo) in her life. She's the least slutty person I know."

Wow. The 'least slutty person'. She's an awesome friend.
So, really slutty girls wear nail tips? Duh. Everyone knows that.
But...hey! I'm wearing nail tips! Dammit!

And this, from a local boy in her hometown:

"It's the way this town is: Everybody knows everything about their friends," said Mark Dillon, 17. "At least half the people in this town have pictures of their friends on the toilet. I've personally seen at least 20. It's only because she's on TV that they're online."

Note to self: When visiting Point Pleasant, New Jersey - always lock the bathroom door.


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