Sunday, May 24, 2009

My car

Let's talk about something awesome, shall we?

My car.

I should start keeping a tally of how many people stop and ask me about it, or how many people want to buy it from me.

I LOVE my car. Love it.

Mostly men seem to notice it, but chicks will ask me about it sometimes. When I'm at a stoplight, there's usually someone next to me, waving or giving me a thumbs up, or, sometimes even taking a picture! When I stop to get gas, when I'm at the grocery store, even when I'm at work, people are asking me about it. I never thought I'd get so much attention for having a 40 year old car.

My 1969 Toyota Corona. Yeah. A friend bought me a plastic lime, so I can have a lime with my Corona. It really is a cool freaking car.

I'm taking suggestions on how to paint/decorate it, so let me know what you think.


Blogger decade5 said...

Decorate the f@ck out of that car. He's yours and no one else's.

You might ask the Russian mechanics to change out the antifreeze when you get the oil changed. Both of those things can help with overheating.

Das vedanya!

6/02/2009 11:17 AM  

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