Saturday, September 29, 2007


So, the mini-teen was nominated for the Homecoming Court at school, which is weird on so many levels. One, she doesn't really know any of these people, because she just started at this school a month ago....and two, she's not the kind of girl who giggles and squeals at a popularity contest, which is exactly what this sort of thing was when I was in high school. She does her own thing and doesn't care what people think of her. At first she said it was lame and stupid and that she didn't want to go. But she changed her mind and decided to play along.

The nominees were presented at the football game last nite. Being the rebel that she is, she chose not to dress up for the occasion. I was concerned that she would stand out too much. Why would I be concerned about such a thing? Some of the girls dressed up, some didn't, so it was fine.

The kids were required to submit their parents' names and their favorite high school memory prior to the game for the announcer to read as they walked onto the field. And you'd think they would edit them as needed. (I'm making up the names of the kids, as I honestly didn't care about any of them but mine.)

Game announcer: "And the nominees for the sophomore class dutch and dutchess....Cindy Vasquez, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vasquez. Cindy's favorite high school memory was being elected to Student Council. And next, Janey Vera, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vera. Janey's favorite high school memory is making the honor roll. And next, Emily Hoff, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hoff...."

(seriously, this is what came out of the mouth of the announcer guy.....)

"....Emily's favorite high school memory is getting suspended for creating her own class schedule."

A roar of laughter came up from the crowd. I thought I would cry I was laughing so hard.

And we got it on video tape.

How did I get so lucky to have the coolest teenager on the planet?


Blogger Larissa said...

she is your daughter all right!


10/03/2007 7:20 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

She sure is. :)

10/04/2007 11:16 AM  

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