Saturday, August 18, 2007

Better than a badger to the face.

This once a month entry thing has got to change. I know, I have all the excuses in the world for not writing. The truth is, I can't do it during the day at work, and when I do get home, there are a million other things to do besides writing a page or two about me. Not that I don't like to hear myself type. I type really fast. Last clocked at 72 WPM - that's 'words per minute' for those not in the know.

It's about time for an update, so I'll blather on briefly about the contents that make up my daily life.

I returned to the stage this week, with much success and relief. I don't know why I take such long hiatuses between performances - wait, what's the plural of 'hiatus'? Hiati? Or is that a small country somewhere in one of the oceans? Damn. Anyway....last August was a real downer for me, comedy-wise. I had 2 really bad shows that sent me into one of my "I'm-obviously-wasting-my-time-with-this-comedy-thing-and-I'm-not-cut-out-for-it" laments that lasted far too long. I didn't go to any open mics again until April, which turned out to be a bad month also - not comedy, but some other personal issues. When I was asked by my buddy Seth if I wanted to host a show in August, I was both excited and terrified. But I'm happy to report that it went just fine. Ahhh.

Big thanks go out to my friend Ladonna and her hubby for making the hour plus drive it took to come see the show. She got to see a joke inspired by one of her stories actually done on stage - not by me, but the humor of her life is far reaching.

I love comedy. I'm good at it. People enjoy seeing me on stage - those who know me and those who don't. I really should stop letting things interfere with my passion for performing. I do get scared and worry that one day, I'll wake up and be absolutely, positively not funny. But that hasn't happened yet. And unless someone sneaks into my room in the middle of the nite and removes that part of my brain which holds my sense of humor, it's probably not going to.

Today is Evan's birthday. He took the weekend off from ComedySportz so that we could just hang out together for a change. I have no idea what we're going to do this evening. We didn't get home until very late from my show - geez, it was nearly 4 AM - so he'll probably just want to stay home tonite. And now that I've gotten him up and made his breakfast and sent him off to work, I'm going back to bed for a while. Cuz that's how I roll.

I had one of those moments the other day where I realized how much we 'get' each other, even though there are times when it seems like we speak two totally different languages. No, not spanish.


I'm sleepy.

Happy, happy birthday, honey.

The man I love.
He never says the right thing. He wears pajamas to the movies. He embarrasses the children and myself every chance he gets. But we love him anyway.

Peace out, I'm napping....zzzzzzzzz.....

P.S. I've lost 19 pounds so far. And I'm hot.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry we didn't make it. By the time Fuzzy got home from work, he didn't really want to drive back into Dallas. We ended up seeing STARDUST at the Studio Movie Grill in Arlington. (Great movie, esp if you like fantasy or steampunk.)

Go you with the hotness and the 19 pound loss.

You inspire me.

8/18/2007 8:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sleep: the great elixir. Glad you got a nap in. And congrats on a good show.

8/18/2007 8:53 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

It was a good show, and it brought back a lot of that confidence that I've been lacking for a while.

I'm happy about the weight loss...but I would kill for a piece of chocolate about now.

8/22/2007 11:41 AM  

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