Thursday, June 30, 2005

Forced Entry

I'm so inspired by Paul's "Take Your Blog to Work Day" that I feel I should write something today. But I wrote yesterday. A little. A couple of entries. I like to do one every day if I can.

Did the open mic at the Improv last night. All the name-dropping and sucking up still couldn't get me a better spot than dead last. Yay me! I got there late, so that didn't help either, and I waited until the last minute to call and get on the list. Next time I'll be more prepared. By the time I got on stage, the audience had thinned out, and those who stayed were yawning and looking for their keys.

It was a lot of fun though. I don't think I've seen that many comics in one room since my days at the Laff Stop open mics. The comeptition is intense. I don't really know how I did. I went up without a set list, because at this point, if I don't have it memorized I should just give the hell up. There were laughs, I think. I had consumed many vodka drinks by 10:00 PM. I didn't bring anyone. My friends get my funny for free and with no 2 item minimum. I chit-chatted with a few audience members after the fact and I think they said I was funny. Or maybe they called me honey, or said it was too sunny. I don't know.

Our host was a lot of fun. Loved the Kermit impression. Overall, everyone did well. If I had to pick who did the best, in my humble opinion, I would have to say Tom, Johnny and Brad stood out the most to me. Awesome, solid sets. I love it when someone can make me laugh at something I've already heard before. And therein lies the bitch of being a comic - every comic has heard your act before, and they are rarely impressed. You guys did a great job, and so did everyone who got up and did their 3 minutes. Just being there was cool. I hope someone got a picture of me on stage with that fantastic "IMPROV" sign behind me. It could be the last time I'm ever on that stage! Send photos. And cash.

My head hurts. I need a nap. I'm taking the night off tonite to chill. No funny for me this evening. And as much as I'd like to go and get drunk with Jim at the Bar of Soap, I think I'll save that for next week.

Much love.


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