Thursday, November 15, 2007

Lies, lies, lies, yeah.

Happy Thursday, bloggies. My back is feeling a bit better, but since I sit all day at work, it's usually pretty stiff by the end of the day. I'm hoping to rest up this weekend.

I was talking to my neighbors last nite - a young couple who I think is just adorable. Unfortunately, they told me some creepy stuff about the ex that didn't really surprise me, but it did add another checkmark to the list of Reasons to Leave Him and Never Look Back. Dear lord. I thought I'd heard it all. Suffice it to say, I know how much better off I am.

I keep remembering little things that he lied to me about. I find it funny now, although I can't believe I actually let them slide at the time. Like the time about a year ago, when I deleted some skank's phone number from his phone - and it magically appeared back in his contact list a few days later. Of course, he had no idea how it got there. Yeah, right, you don't know how you typed the info back into your phone? Just like he had 'no idea' how those dating site profiles were created. That's his story and he's sticking to it, like glue.

Or when I would find things that weren't there before, as if he put them there on purpose, just to fuck with my head. Or when he told me he was having lunch with a guy friend and it was really not a guy at all.

Or when he told me he loved me and couldn't live without me. Well, he's not dead. And I'm pretty certain that he's incapable of love.

Good riddance. I'm very thankful that I finally came to my senses. I deserve better.
Much better.


Blogger Oberon said...

......dammit do deserve much better......and live where i was born!

11/15/2007 5:16 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

Cool! Big D is alright, I like it here. Your blog is great, thanks for stopping by here!

11/16/2007 9:54 AM  

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