Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Laugh it up

I ventured out to open mic last nite. It's been a couple of months, I haven't been up since August. My buddy Josh is going thru some shitty stuff right now - lost his job and such - so, here's a switch - I decided to cheer HIM up and go with him to open mic! (He needed some major cheering up, I really didn't have a choice.)

I didn't want to go up. I honestly wasn't feeling it at first. We arrived at the pub and the owner immediately comes over and buys us each a drink. He always does that. We look around and realize that we are the only 2 comics currently in the building. Yikes.

We talked and laughed and ate, and people started showing up slowly. He got to emcee, and I had decided that I was going to skip performing. He gave me a hard time about it. I watched a few comics go up and get absolutely no response from the crowd. And then, there was Penny.

Penny was a very intoxicated bar patron who apparently spends a lot of time at this establishment. She asked the gentleman who organizes the open mic if she could go up, and he kindly allowed her to do so. Why, I don't know. But once I saw her up there, I realized that I absolutely had to go up after her.

And I totally rocked the house.

I ranted, I got heckled a little and heckled right back. I was confident. I was 'on'.

And it felt so damn good.

It still amazes me that I can get a crowd's attention when I get up there, after they've completely ignored the first 5 or 6 comics. And seriously, I'm not bragging by any means, it truly does amaze me! I know I'm funny, but there are always those doubts that run around in my head. I'm so sick of second-guessing and doubting myself.

And I did it without getting drunk. I cut myself off at 2 glasses of wine. Yay me!

I am awesome.

Oh, and Emily and I colored our hair. She went blonde, I went kinda burgundy. We are gorgeous.

That's my time.


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