Wednesday, October 31, 2007


So I feel like I've been in limbo for a few weeks now, just waiting for it all to be truly over.

He still has some things to pick up from the apartment. We're close to being completely independent of each other. Very close.

And although I don't really feel sad at this point, I think I'm anticipating that moment when it really is over, when all of his things are really gone, and I can sit down and have one last good, hard cry over it all.


Blogger I said...

Jenn.....Jenn...Wow! I miss seeing your BLOG every day. I'm really bummed about your break up. You are such a cool person. You should go to lunch with my girlfriend. She always makes me feel better. I miss tommenting on your BLOG. Ha! Tommenting....I kill us.

11/02/2007 11:46 PM  
Blogger Jenn said...

Tommenting - hahaha! I love it!

Don't be bummed, the break-up was for the best. I'm doing ok. I hope to be writing more now.

11/05/2007 9:58 AM  

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